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How To Get A Retail License

How To Get A Retail License
6/27/2009 12:00 AM

Need business license for online retail gift store. how to get a retail license.


In fact you do not need one license, but three seperate filings, a DBA, a Sellers Permit, and a Business License.

A dba is the registration of a business name. In doing so, it allows for the aformentioned bank account and filings, as well as the opening of further opening of more business under the umbrella of the same DBA.

A seller's permit, is a registration for sales tax monitoring.  It also allows for the charging of sales tax, as well as the bulk purchasing of items free of sales tax from wholesalers.

A business license is a local, state, or federal business tax registration. This serves the dual purpose of keeping you current in your taxes as well as certifying your business as legal in it's intended form.

Legally, you are required to get a dba, a business license, and a seller's permit.

1. A DBA is also known as a ficticious name filing and will allow you to file for the other listed filings, as well as open a bank account.

2. A business license is also known as a business tax registration and serves a number of purposes.

3. A sellers permits, also known as a resale permit, serves as your sales tax certification.

For a retail online store, you need A Business License, A DBA and A Seller's Permit. All businesses are required to obtain a business license, so you need:

1. A Business License.

2. You are not using your last name in your business name so you will need to file a DBA business name certificates, and

3. Since you are selling taxable items, you need a Seller's Permit. NOTE: You don’t need a seller’s permit if your business is located in Alaska, Oregon or New Hampshire -

In these states, you can use a federal tax id number instead of a resellers / seller’s permit number. However, if your business is located in any of these states (Michigan, Georgia, New York, Maryland and Nevada, you will need to obtain a Federal Tax Id, in addition to a Sellers Permit.

It’s recommended that instead of a DBA certificate, you may want to incorporate of form an LLC to protect your personal assets from transactions arising out of business transactions. In general, forming an LLC is a good choose.

Simply go online to

Answer our online questionaire, then fill out our business information form as thouroughly as possible so that once you have completed every step of our payment system we can begijn processing your order immediatelly.

P.O. Box 14927

Long Beach, CA. 90853


The fundamental purpose of these filings is simple. This trio of filings are essential to certifying your business as legal, keeping your business current its taxes, and saving money. This trifecta can not be overstated in its importance.

Simply go to to determine your fees on a state by state basis.

